Today, in my garden, the cardinals are chirping, the squirrels are running from tree to tree, butterflies are flitting about and the hummingbirds are fighting each other. The sights, sounds, and smells in the garden are like a symphony with each instrument having a turn. Let's view a few sights in my late summer garden.
I enjoy this little bird feeder because I can easily photograph the birds in it. I saw five cardinals gathered around it recently, three of them I believe were juveniles, but unfortunately they didn't stay still long enough to get a picture.
Chickadees are so cute!
I was hoping the squirrels would leave my new feeder alone! They come down the tree and jump onto the feeder. I am afraid they are going to damage it. They are quite greedy and drain the feeder quickly.
My attitude about the squirrels has not been good. I did some research about deterring them from feeders. One article said to sprinkle ground cayenne red pepper in the feeder and it would not hurt the birds and squirrels did not like the smell. I tried it and it worked. However, you have to reapply after every rain. I also read that they do not like safflower seeds. I have been buying black oil sunflower seeds. When my supply runs out I am going to try the safflower seeds. Apparently, birds do like safflower seeds but squirrels won't eat them. Sounds worth trying to me. You would think the squirrels would be satisfied with the abundance of hickory nuts and pine cones in my yard.
Herbs are both pretty and fragrant in the garden as well as useful for cooking. Spreading rosemary shown in this pic is about to bloom soon. My husband uses rosemary for his grilled lamb.
Other herbs are in pots to cut for cooking. It has been a good year for basil I think because it rained so much.
I have parsley growing in an urn that the butterfly caterpillars have devoured three times this season and more have just hatched. More on that later. Thyme is a herb that adds a great subtle flavor in many dishes. Since mint is invasive I keep some in a pot, but if it dries out, it turns brown easily, at least it does for me.
This urn of white begonias has some purple basil. I love to smell basil, don't you? Dill is another favorite herb but I can only grow it in cold weather. My husband uses lots of dill on salmon so we keep dried dill on hand and sometimes I buy fresh in the summer months.
White begonias and white impatiens line a garden path.
Here is my urn of parsley that has provided food for three generations of butterflies. It is worn out. The last batch literally ate the green off the stalks. I've fertilized it and its growing but not fast enough because there are more caterpillars on it. I will have to buy another plant and add to the urn to sustain the hungry caterpillars.They have voracious appetites.
Look closely to see many little instars (larval stage of growth). To view stages of metamorphosis from egg to caterpillar to pupa to butterfly go here and here.
I strolled around my summer garden today touching the herbs and enjoying their scents. Then I decided to cut some and make a bouquet garni for the kitchen. Smells evoke memories of certain foods and experiences. So why not create a bouquet garni to decorate your kitchen, add fragrance to the room and infuse a dish with flavor.
My garden tends to be dark because of so many trees so adding pops of white brings light. Caladiums add that white color and do well in the shade so I have white caladiums in pots in three spots. However, before the winter sets in I am going to try planting them directly in the soil. Our climate in lower Alabama is quite mild so I am going to try to overwinter the plants. That will save me time and expense next spring. It's worth a try. In harsher climates, digging up the corms and hanging them upside down in a dry place saves the plant. Rather than doing that, I am going to try experimenting this year just planting them directly into the soil instead of pots.
I believe the variety pictured above is called, Merry Christmas.
This variety of caladium(don't know it's name) in an urn is the focal point of my cutting garden. Imagine colorful zinnias surrounding the urn. That was my plan. The rabbits had other plans.
White caladiums accent a pair of chairs in the side garden.
Milkweed continues to flourish. I'd cut it back so it would thicken and not be so lanky but I would hate to cut off the blooms and deny the butterflies the nectar. They love the nectar from the milkweed. I planted the seeds from their seed pods and they are doing quiet well. No wonder the plant is considered invasive. If only, monarchs would come and feed on my milkweed.
Seed pods from milkweed have sprouted.
My late summer garden has a few blooming ginger lilies and pine cone lilies.
Pine cone lilies
Ginger lilies
New to my garden this week was a giant swallowtail. It was exciting to see a new butterfly species visit my pentas. It was fun to get the butterfly book out and identify this species that was new to me.
In the late evening a gorgeous after glow from the sunset enveloped the garden.
I have enjoyed sharing a few of the sights, sounds and smells from my late summer garden with you today.
A Gardener's Prayer by Edith Craddock
Father of all Gardeners, we thank Thee that in the long ago Thou didst begin the world in a garden.
We thank Thee for the morning and the singing of the birds.
We thank Thee for the quiet and peace of eventide and the blessings of sleep which comes with the night.
As we rise in the morning to work in our gardens, grant that the toil of our bodies may bring tranquillity to our minds; That the growth of our plantings be exemplified in the growth of our souls.
That the fruit of our lives, as the fruit of our trees, be the perfect attainment, the crowning glory of a life dedicated to Thee.
Encourage us to lend helping hand to the needy, to speak words of sympathy to hearts that mourn, to bear the burdens of the weak, to make the waste places of human need to blossom as the rose.
Exterminate the weeds of doubt, sensitize the roots which nourish our inner being that these roots may drink from the still waters by which Thou dost lead us.
For the gift of Thy Son who suffered in a garden, we thank Thee, and in His name we make this prayer. Amen
My heart hurts for those who have lost their homes and loved ones in the devastating floods in Texas. Continued prayers are with them. We have elderly relatives in Houston who had to leave their home. Thankfully, wonderful neighbors took them in. We are so grateful to them for caring for them. They had minimal damage and we are also grateful for that. They did not lose power and we were able to talk to them all along which helped tremendously. It was a helpless feeling that we could not get to them.
Happy Gardening 😃🐛
Have a wonderful week.