Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lots of activity in my garden!


Butterflies are everywhere! Appalachian Tiger Swallowtail.
Not sure which kind this one is. Please feel free to jump right in and identify this one.
Black swallowtail caterpillar on a dill plant.

Spicebush swallowtail on white penta flower.

Spicebush swallowtail on red penta flower.

Butterflies love pentas and today I was pleased to see a gulf fritillay.

I am using this book, a recent gift from a friend to identify the butterflies. It is a beautifully illustrated guidebook teeming with information and wonderful photography. Notice the monarch butterfly on the cover. If I have identified any incorrectly please let me know.  

I am excited to have a new bluebird house! Keeping my fingers crossed next year the bluebirds will like it. It is too late this year. The reason it is taller is so the sprinkler doesn't hit the hole.

Back in February, Mr. Bluebird was checking out my old feeder but to my disappointment he didn't choose to build in my box. Later, I found out another bird had built a nest in the box in a short time because I had checked it in hopes the bluebirds would come.  I also found out the sprinkler was hitting the box. So many details to attract the birds. 
I purchased this bluebird feeder and mealworms from Birds Unlimited to attract  bluebirds but by the time I got the house up the bluebirds seem to have left my neighborhood. Because my garden is so wooded they may not like my spot. But I am hoping they will.

Three hummingbirds at once is a record for us. If you can't see the third one look on the left in front of the ruby throated one. Can you see it now?

This is the first year I have seen them share the feeder. It is funny how they dip in for a drink and almost simultaneously lift up at the same time and move to the next drinking hole. I set up my tripod and waited and waited today to shoot a movie. I am not patient enough with no see ums everywhere biting me.  uTube videos has the same movie I wanted to shoot. I uploaded the video above. Hope it works. Isn't it fascinating? If you want to see another very interesting video of a family in Alaska feeding hummingbirds from their hands google uTube videos: hummingbirds. It is an amazing video.

Look to the right in front of the tree for the third one that is hard to see. Birds, butterflies, squirrels and my flowers in the garden keep me entertained and busy.
The little red headed boy and little baby girl are our grandchildren
 in their aunt's wedding.  Aren't they the cutest? They are coming to visit this week.

I am so excited that my son and family are coming to visit for 20 days! Can't wait to get hugs and kisses. They have been living so far away we don't get to see them often. We will go to the beach with my daughter's family  ( pictured below) for a week and all be together for the first time in a year and a half! I am so thankful.

Daughter and her  beautiful family. Sophie is 8 and Noah is 11. They are so precious to me. I must get updated pictures at the beach.  Needless to say, I will be taking a blogging break for August and September. My husband is taking me on an anniversary trip to Italy too !!!! I am over the moon and thanking God for these occasions. I am so blessed. Please don't forget me. I'll be back. Bonnie

Linking to:  Seasonal Sundays.

Butterflies are everywhere! Appalachian Tiger Swallowtail. Not sure which kind this one is. Please feel free to jump right in and identify this one. Black swallowtail caterpillar on a dill plant. Spicebush swallowtail on white penta flower. Spicebush swallowtail on red penta flower. Butterflies love pentas and today I was pleased to see a gulf fritillay. I am using...