Our grandson, Noah, was born on Easter Sunday eleven years ago. We were fortunate to be able to visit them Easter weekend and share his birthday celebration. An amusement park provided go cart rides, bumper cars, putt putt golf, arcade games and more. It was a great time for all.
Noah has brought so much joy to our lives. It was special to watch him enjoy his birthday.
Guests enjoyed all the festivities and were treated to lunch at a Mexican food restuarant afterward. A family dinner and birthday celebration continued at home later that evening.
Easter decorations were festive everywhere at our daughter's home.

We hurried off to church Easter morning but this plate of goodies surprised the children when they sat down to Sunday lunch. Who wouldn't like a plate of Cadbury chocolate!
I believe these egg slips were bought in the Ukraine when they adopted Sophie.
I wish I had examined them more closely. So little time and so much going on. It is special to record times and events but sometimes a little hard to enjoy the moment as well as record the events.
I always enjoy my daughters vignettes around her home. This was the centerpiece on her dining room table.
We enjoyed a family dinner and birthday meal Saturday night of lamb chops, pasta, salad and birthday cake. I think I have mentioned on my blog before that our SIL is a master on his Green Egg. One thing my husband and I are sure of is that we will enjoy great food that my daughter and son-in-law cook.
Noah's birthday cake was a delicious homemade chocolate cake. I missed getting a picture of his cake and him blowing out the candles. Got it just in time to catch them licking the candles. I didn't have the heart to ask for a photo op redo. He requested chocolate cinnamon waffles for breakfast. Some other pics from the food we enjoyed are shown below.
Do you believe me now? Grilled shrimp with mango, peppers, and other goodness served over pasta was delicious.
Happy Birthday weekend, Noah. We had a great time. You light up our lives and we are so proud of you. Grandmama and Grangraddy!