Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Texas Christmas


 Texas bullsnake at Wichita Falls, Texas, Riverbend Nature Center.
Children are both trusting and brave, or at least braver than most adults.
I certainly didn't want to touch the snake but the grandkids did.  In fact, they were fascinated, probably because our guide was so matter-of-fact about handling all manner of phobia inducing fauna.

Kevin, our guide pointed out this snake was about to shed it's skin because the eyes were very glazed over. If you are in this area the staff is extremely knowledgeable and helpful.

Albino catfish and turtle fascinates a one year old.

Praire dogs also entertained.

Roadrunners spread their plummage to help regulate their body temperature. This was interesting to observe and learn about.

This roadrunner was very tame having been raised at the center.

 The Nature Center was educational and interesting. I didn't get pictures of the  live Meadagascar roaches which were huge and the brown recluse and black widow spiders because I was intently listening to the guide.

 I was so impressed with the resources at the center including videos.

 This is an oriole bird's nest made out of fishing line. Our guide pointed out the problems that occur in nature if things are not disposed of properly.

A traditional oriole nest from natures materials.

We don't get to see these kids very often so this was a special time for us. Didn't get many Christmas pictures because little kids move so fast and I was enjoying the moments too. So we had two Christmases one in Alabama and one in Texas. How cool is that!

Linking to: Oh, the PLACES, I've been,  and Wow us Wednesdays.

Texas bullsnake at Wichita Falls, Texas, Riverbend Nature Center. Children are both trusting and brave, or at least braver than most adults. I certainly didn't want to touch the snake but the grandkids did.  In fact, they were fascinated, probably because our guide was so matter-of-fact about handling all manner of phobia inducing fauna. Kevin, our guide pointed out this snake was abo...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Eve

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from one half of my family.  This pic was made after we got home from the Christmas Eve Church service. Thank you for your support and encouragement all year! I am thankful for my blogging friends.

Christmas Eve supper was waffles with  raspberries and chocolate toppings topped with whipped cream.

So yummy!

 Other vignettes around my daughter's home.

Celebrating Christ's Birth, Bonnie

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from one half of my family.  This pic was made after we got home from the Christmas Eve Church service. Thank you for your support and encouragement all year! I am thankful for my blogging friends. Christmas Eve supper was waffles with  raspberries and chocolate toppings topped with whipped cream. So yummy!  Other vignettes around my daughter's home...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

O, Christmas Tree


O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your branches green delight us, O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your branches green delight us. They're green  when summer days are bright; They're green when winter snow is white. O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your branches green delight us.

The decorated fir tree was first used in Germany about the time of Martin Luther. The German words "O Tannenbaum" were set to  a tune and was so well known and loved in America that the tune was used during the Civil War as "Maryland, My Maryland."

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, You give us so much pleasure!

Linking to: Wow Us Wednesday, What's it WednesdayTablescape Thursday, and Open House Party.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your branches green delight us, O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your branches green delight us. They're green  when summer days are bright; They're green when winter snow is white. O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your branches green delight us. The decorated fir tree was first used in Germany about the time of Martin Luther. The Ge...

Friday, December 6, 2013

Making Things Bright

A recycled bow with greenery from the yard and I didn't spend a dime.
Nadina berries and their foliage is a quick and free decoration too.

 Glasses bought in 1971! I still LOVE THEM!

 A little bokeh!

 I think the paperwhites will be timed well this Christmas.

These little mugs make me smile! They have so much personality.

My husband loves to drink out of them.

Our little fire pit is such a pleasure to sit down most evenings  before dinner relax and catch  up on our days. A stemming mug of hot chocolate sounds good about now!

Sometimes there is plenty of brightness around us and we are not seeing it. This season I am aspiring to fill my mind and mediate on things, true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious - the best, not the worst; the beautiful not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Phillippians 4:8 The Message

Linking to: Be Inspired Fridays, Feathered Nest Friday, Open House Thursdays, Seasonal Sundays, and  Inspire Me Tuesday.

A recycled bow with greenery from the yard and I didn't spend a dime. Nadina berries and their foliage is a quick and free decoration too.  Glasses bought in 1971! I still LOVE THEM!  A little bokeh!  I think the paperwhites will be timed well this Christmas. These little mugs make me smile! They have so much personality. My husband loves to drink out of them. Our...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas Past

As we all begin our decorating for the approaching Christmas season reflecting on Christmas past reminds us of the sparkle and festive atmosphere of our homes. I love the glittering lights.

Decorating with  live poinsettias is a tradition at our house. Finding nice healthy ones can be a challenge sometimes but you can never have too many.

Simple and natural is so elegant to me.

 Mama's vintage nativity is very special to me and I always enjoy it. I have a good many nativity scenes and always enjoy finding another special one. After all that is the real meaning of Christmas. I have them in every room.

Vintage Christmas ornaments in various containers are also nostalgic to me and are quick to assemble.

Another Christmas  with vintage ornaments in a rose medallion cake plate.

The same vintage ornaments in a modern bowl changes the look.

This cabinet was handmade by my Father-in-law's grandfather circa 1900-1920. It is very special to me and I felt so blessed to receive it. The post from a Christmas past  that includes this pic may be viewed here.

I enjoyed showing you a few glimpses of my home from past Christmases. There are more and hopefully I will get this years decorating done and post too. I started  pulling out a few things yesterday ( Still putting up Thanksgiving decorations lol!) Last year we went out of town for Christmas so I didn't put up our big tree. We missed it so much. I won't do that again purposely unless something unforeseen hinders me.

Linking to: Seasonal Sundays, Inspire me Tuesday and Wow Us Wednesday.

As we all begin our decorating for the approaching Christmas season reflecting on Christmas past reminds us of the sparkle and festive atmosphere of our homes. I love the glittering lights. Decorating with  live poinsettias is a tradition at our house. Finding nice healthy ones can be a challenge sometimes but you can never have too many. Simple and natural is so elegant to me....