Please think about and idenify what you see.
Of course, lighting makes a difference in the plate colors but can you idenify the eras of the various elements? Can you idenify the time period of the glassware? What item is the oldest in the tablesettting?I am sure your answer was the plates. The plates are circa 1913-30! They belong to my good friend Charlotte and were her mother-in-law's plates from New Mexico. Green glasses are my 70's wedding gifts and if you have read my blog you have seen a number of times. Everything else is new. Chargers are from World Market. Silverware from Williams Sonoma, tortoise shell vases from Ross( a gift from my DIL)and clam shell from Ballard Designs. Napkin rings were a gift from my blogger friend Monica@texasfiestafan used previously here.
This is the back of the plate circa 1013-30, Solian ware- Soho pottery Cobridge from England. It looks like she paid $20.00 for each plate and since she has been deceased a number of years it had to be a long time ago. I have to wonder if the Memory Lane shop still exists today and where it is. They originally lived in Arkansas and moved to New Mexico. Several of my friends joke about leaving price tags on things especially antique pieces so their children won't sell them at a garage sale for nothing. Thank you Charlotte, for allowing me to photograph Marion's dishes. They are special. Correction: Sorry, I got the story wrong. The white plates I used as a layering plate belonged to my friend's MIL. The Soho pottery belongs to my friend, Charlotte. She bought them at Renniger's. It is such a small world someone from Memory Lane might have read this post and recognized their label. I just googled Memory Lane Antiques and there are nine or so sources in different states and of course, their are two Renniger locations. I will have to ask her which Renniger's location she purchased her plates.
Plates are different in this photo. Can you identify the plates and their age? The plates are mine and are Royal Caldron from England probably early 40's or so. I need to do a little research on them. I like using the same centerpiece and like using a different plate for an entirely different look. Changing the napkins would really make a difference too.

Each plate has a different floral pattern.
Working on lighting here trying to photograph the vases so you can see the pretty tortoise shell design. They look much prettier with the light shining through them don't you think? Thank you Johanna, for suggesting these vases as a gift for me. Now, I need to have some people over before the hydrangeas wilt. Sometimes they dry beautifully and sometimes they don't.
My floral plates usually reside here.
Many times, I think about a blogger tablescape throwdown and laugh to myself. Wouldn't that be fun! When I am struggling trying to finish a tablescape I always think about now what would all the great tablescapers do?
Linking to Seasonal Sunday and Tablescape Thursday.