Recently, I had several friends for lunch and planned to use hydrangeas for my centerpiece since I had them blooming in my garden. In the process of setting the table an upcoming trip to the beach gave me the idea to add shells. As the table evolved I really had fun as it came together.
One of the reasons I decided to add shells to my theme is I remembered buying these shells plates last year on sale from William Sonoma that I had not used. I love the blue napkins from World Market but the table seemed as if it lacked something. I don't know about you but I think of tablescapes and don't do them. When we traveled last spring to Provence I bought several table runners that I have not used either! Shame on me. Anyway, the idea of using one of the runners occurred to me. Of course, the blues in the napkins did not match the blue in the runner so I changed to brown napkins. The squatty glasses bothered me, too so I switched to glasses that had stems.

Yes, I liked the brown napkins with the runner better but did not like the butterfly napkin rings. I needed shell napkin rings! But, my best friend didn't have any and my teacher friends would be arriving soon so I just folded the napkin plainly and did not use a napkin ring. I have looked in several places since then and still haven't found any yet. Maybe I will find the perfect ones on our beach trip.
White octagonal plates- Johnson Brothers wedding ironstone
Crystal goblets- Francisan wedding crystal
Shell dessert plates-William Sonoma
Flatwear-William Sonoma
Rattan chargers- World Market
Brown basket weave napkins- Bed, Bath and Beyond
Table runner-Flea market-St. Rémy de Provence
Tablecloth- Matelasse bedspread ( almost vintage now!)
Sand dollars and shells found on St. George Island by moi except for the counch shells which I bought somewhere years ago.
Vintage aqua Ball canning jar used for flower vase
I have a few Ball-Perfect Mason vintage jars and realized I don't know much about them. I googled Ball jars and found out some interesting things. Did you know they made lavander, green, amber and gold jars also? I have never seen those colors but I will be on the look out. You might also be intrigued to know more about these jars. I am afraid my camera picked up the dust on several lids in the photo. I noticed the price tag on one of the smaller ones with a lid was still on it and the price was $4.50. I have no idea what I paid for the others some time ago. For the Ball Jar collectors web site click
here. I could do another post on the history. Don't you love Google?
Lunch menu included: Sacramento Chicken Salad, Fresh strawberries and blueberries, petite blueberry muffins, and southern sweet tea with mint. We sat a
t the table talking for several hours. One of my friends made a luscious cheesecake pie for dessert but I forgot to make a picture.
Chicken Salad
can artichokes (save juice)
box chicken flavor rice-a-roni(prepare as directed)
green onions sliced
bell pepper chopped
cups chopped chicken (cooked)
small can sliced black olives
to taste
ingredients. Add enough mayonnaise and reserved juice for desired consistency. May be made one day
ahead and keeps for several days in the
refrigerator. Serves 6-8
The weather was so pleasant that day we strolled through my garden talking gardening and gardeners never lack for conversation. It was fun to share cuttings of several plants with them.
Hope you are enjoying luncheons with your friends.
Just got back from our beach trip and there was a package for me from Monica at Texas Fiesta Ware Fan. Check out Monica's blog
here. She mailed me beautiful shell napkin rings! I can't wait to use them Monica. Wish I had been able to do another tablescape using them. We left after one day home to visit our son's family in Las Vegas so there was not time. I did snap a pic and now I am able to add this pic and post from a long way from home.
Joining: Kim for
Wow Us Wednesday, Susan for
Tablescape Thursday and Kathleen for
Lets' Dish.